The Wizards and Rangers of Your Campaigns

It’s not uncommon for non-profits to have only one Salesforce professional–if that! These tech-savvy people can end up siloed away in a tower like a reclusive wizard, or working for long stints on their own behind the scenes, like a ranger. (Like a Trailhead Ranger, get it?) This sector is also a spawning point for so many “accidental admins.” This presentation will discuss the difficulties faced by Salesforce professionals in non-profits, how organizations can best support their Salesforce pros, and how those Salesforce professionals can lean into or create closer group dynamics that foster increased user adoption and competency.

This presentation will have a light Dungeons and Dragons/fantasy RPG theme (absolutely no copywritten material or imagery will be used), while remaining accessible to those not familiar with the genre.

Key takeaways include:
– It can be tempting to be admired from afar. This separation doesn’t help anyone.
– Get invested in your “party” – be a team player, even if it feels like you’re a team of one.
– Suggestions for communicating as/with a team.
– How to establish realistic expectations as a Salesforce professional at a smaller non-profit.
– How to provide support as a smaller non-profit org; how to request support as a smaller non-profit Salesforce professional.

I’ve been a non-profit admin for four years total in two different states. I began as an accidental admin at a tiny non-profit with a staff of three plus AmeriCorps VISTAs, and now work for a small-but-mighty non-profit with >$11.5 million/year annual campaign.

Location: Lake Minnetonka Date: July 18, 2024 Time: 11:00 am - 11:45 am Edison Potter Edison Potter