Small Admin Team Meets Large User Base: 3 Strategies for Scaling Support!

Balancing a growing user base with limited administrator and developer resources is a challenge faced by many teams, especially when many Salesforce professionals are self-taught and trying to keep up with the latest and greatest features. In this engaging session, we will explore 3 key strategies to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your admin team, enabling them to support a large user base with purpose and innovation. You will leave with actionable strategies using real-world examples from my experience leading a small team in support of a 500+ user base. Through harnessing the power of champion groups/frontline support, leveraging Salesforce automation for your team and never underestimating the importance of end user engagement and feedback, your tiny but mighty team will be on their way to yielding tangible improvements in efficiency, user satisfaction, and overall CRM performance.

Admin/Declarative Developer
Location: Lake Harriet Date: July 19, 2024 Time: 10:00 am - 10:45 am Brittney Widmer Brittney Widmer