Power Up Your Career with a Personal Board of Directors!

As the CEO of YOU, Inc. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, get expert advisors!

Learn how to develop & recruit your own personal Board of Directors to accelerate career success!

Everyone who is wildly successful in the Salesforce ecosystem cites the wealth of mentors and uplifters who brought them there.
My own personal/professional board of directors is the most valuable asset I possess from a professional perspective.

Though how does one go about finding and developing a mentor network? How does one approach important/busy people, and deploy them into one’s mission?

This session brings practical hard won lessons on being a proactive and purposeful mentee including; Who and how to approach, developing a diverse, complimentary, and supplementary mentor network, and how to sustain and evolve one’s personal board of directors as career and learning needs change over time.

Career/Personal Branding
Location: Lake Minnetonka Date: July 17, 2024 Time: 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm Corey Snow Corey Snow