Improv is Yes, and… Admining is often No, but…

No is a complete sentence, but it’s not usually the sentence your stakeholders want or are willing to hear. This session will talk about the difference between a hard no and a soft no and provide actionable strategies that can be used to have productive conversations about a viable paths forward.

Learning to say no in a productive and constructive way is a crucial soft skill all technical professionals should possess. The inability to clearly and empathetically say no is what can lead to solutions that don’t scale, technical debt and frustrated stakeholders and teammates. In my role as a manager and product owner, I’m often tasked with saying no and I’m excited to share my strategies and experiences with you.

Career/Personal Branding
Location: Lake Bemidji Date: July 17, 2024 Time: 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm Mary Tagler Mary Tagler