I said this…you heard that

Have you ever found yourself uttering words that seemed to create more chaos than clarity? Perhaps you’ve stumbled upon the right sentiment but expressed it in a less than ideal manner. We’ve all experienced the pitfalls of miscommunication, but what if I told you there’s a way to mitigate these blunders?

In this interactive session, you’ll delve into a straightforward framework designed to enhance your communication skills instantly. This framework revolves around four distinct languages: fun, power, harmony, and calm. By identifying your predominant communication pattern and mastering effective communication strategies, you’ll unlock the potential to elevate your career to new heights.

Throughout the session, we’ll explore the concept of color temperaments and unveil key tactics tailored to engage individuals with different temperaments. Participants will gain insight into recognizing their default communication lens and discerning the lenses of their colleagues. We’ll delve into various communication nuances, including the importance of tone, timing, avoiding assumptions, and seeking clarification.

Join me on this journey to uncover the power of language, nonverbal cues, and active listening, and transform your interactions—both personal and professional—into moments of clarity, understanding, and stronger connections.

Location: Lake Harriet Date: July 18, 2024 Time: 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm Brittany Hart Brittany Hart