Enhanced Omni-Channel – New Features and Functionality

The purpose of this session is to understand the key differences between Omni-Channel and Enhanced Omni-Channel and how the new, enhanced features will be beneficial to their Support team processes. This session will include relevant information regarding new features and functionality of Enhanced Omni-Channel with the objective of equipping Salesforce Teams and/or Support Team users with knowledge, use-cases, and ideas to take with them and build off of to meet their specific needs.

Key takeaways of this session are:

  • Differences between Omni-Channel and Enhanced Omni-Channel and what these differences mean
    • Side-by-side comparison and what this means
  • What is the Enhanced Agent Experience
    • UI feature review
  • What is the Sidebar Layout?
    • How do I enable the Sidebar Layout?
  • What is Interruptible Capacity?
    • How do I set dedicated capacities?
    • How do I set the size for Paused work items?
    • How do I pause work items?
  • Omni-Supervisor – New features and functionality
    • Wallboard
      • What can I do with the Wallboard
      • What can I do with the Wallboard
      • How do I add the Wallboard
    • What are customizable Tabs?
      • What are some use cases for Customizable Tabs?
      • How do I create a Customizable Tab?
      • How do I add the Customizable Tab to a Supervisor Configuration?
  • How can I Audit Queue membership changes?
  • Who will have Enhanced Omni-Channel by default
  • Who can upgrade to Enhanced Omni-Channel
  • How do I upgrade to Enhanced Omni-Channel

This session is set apart from others because it highlights new functionality and use cases related to Omni-Channel. Omni-Channel information deserves more coverage and is highly beneficial for providing relevant information, and for improving the daily functions of both Support Agents and Supervisors.

I am qualified to hold a session on this topic because I have recently worked to gather requirements, design, build and deploy Enhanced Omni-Channel for a large company with a large Support Team that has highly complex Support Processes. Enhanced Omni-Channel has allowed us to provide relevant data and streamline processes for our client.

Admin/Declarative Developer
Location: Lake Superior A Date: July 19, 2024 Time: 9:00 am - 9:45 am Amanda Slattery Amanda Slattery Jamie Poole Jamie Poole