Elevating Salesforce: From Tool to Profession

The discussions that have dominated conversations across the Salesforce industry over the years have largely been centered on the company itself. With the continuing loss of junior positions, the detachment of “Senior” and “Architect” titles, and with many needing to be both an Admin and Developer to stay employed, now is the time to talk about Salesforce the Profession.

This presentation will introduce a framework to illustrate how Salesforce is, in fact, a profession rather than simply a tool or skillset. Using examples from other industries, we will explore how our profession can be structured, and what such a professionalization process would mean to building a sustainable pipeline for the next generation of Salesforce specialists. At the end of this session, participants will be able to describe how Salesforce careers meet specific criteria that define a profession, and they will walk away with crafted discussion topics to bring to their respective community groups to move Salesforce, the profession, forward.

Career/Personal Branding
Location: Lake Superior A Date: July 17, 2024 Time: 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm Elise Barlow Elise Barlow