Delivering Personalized Patient Reminders With Data Cloud

We’ve all been there before; you’re looking at your calendar, and you see an office visit with your doctor in a few days, that you scheduled months ago. Immediately, you’re trying to remember what that appointment is even for, or why it’s there to begin with. Through a Pre-Appointment SMS campaign, attendees will learn how Kristian and the team at Slalom helped their client use Data Cloud to combine appointment information spread across multiple Health Cloud objects and a third-party consent management platform to deliver timely, personalized SMS reminders to patients, days prior to their appointment with their HCP. These reminders not only tell the patient when they have their appointment, but also the most important things scheduled to be discussed that day. By delivering this via SMS, This client has been able to lower their pre-visit patient communication costs and effort while ensuring that the impetus for the appointment is met, and patients continue to stay healthy.

Location: Great Lakes Ballroom Date: July 18, 2024 Time: 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm Kristian Heuer