Awesome (Autistic) Admin!

There’s lots of advice out there for folks starting out in the Salesforce ecosystem, how to be a great Salesforce Admin, Developer, BA, and more. But what if that advice doesn’t work for your brain? In this session, Allie will tell her Autism story, how she learned about her neurodivergence, and more importantly, how she’s worked with it to grow into the career she loves. You’ll learn about neurodivergence (Autism, ADHD focus), how to advocate for yourself, and how to act in allyship to others. Along the way, Allie will offer tips and advice on how to adjust those Awesome Admin tips to work for you.

Career/Personal Branding
Location: Lake Minnetonka Date: July 17, 2024 Time: 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm Allie Lawler Allie Lawler