Assign it with Omni-Channel!

Omni-Channel is a feature that been around awhile that more and more customers are starting to leverage. Allowing you to assign records based on user availability, skills, and your own custom logic, Omni-Channel is a great way to ensure that work is routed to the right members at the right time. In this session, we’ll work together to build a Omni-Channel Case Management solution, explaining concepts along the way, such as routing configurations and presence configurations. We’ll start with a simple queue-based system, and then expand into using Omni-Channel Flow to perform advanced routing features. At the end of this session, you’ll have a good understanding of omni-channel and how it can be leveraged within your own organization!

Admin/Declarative Developer HOT
Location: Boundary Waters D Date: July 17, 2024 Time: 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Mike Brown Mike Brown