Architecting “Data-First”

Andy will be speaking to a “data-first” architecture and roadmapping methodology that we all can use. Working with stories on requirements that sound like “As a customer I want…” or “As the system I need to…” has directed our efforts for years. Augmenting our traditional architecture and solution approaches by thinking about what the impact on our data will be – changes the game. Looking through the eyes of your data at culture, quality, analytics, and infrastructure helps you think about and ask different questions.

With AI technologies coming fast up our horizons, we need to be thinking data-first to enable future technology that, honestly, may not have been released or even invented yet. OpenAI was the fastest innovation in history to reach 100 million monthly active users within two months of launching. That’s just one of hundreds of AI-related technologies on the market today. Snowflake, Databricks, Salesforce, Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, OpenAI, Anthropic, Vertex, DeepMind, Cohere – what infrastructure options is your data going to need next? Salesforce is a powerhouse, and Data Cloud is no slouch, but we all know that enterprises are more than just one thing.

If you haven’t heard about the desired impact of data and AI from within the walls of your organization yet – you’re not in the loop.

Location: Boundary Waters D Date: July 18, 2024 Time: 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm Andy Boettcher Andy Boettcher