Accelerating Salesforce Adoption Using Well-Architected Framework

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, user engagement stands as the cornerstone of success for businesses leveraging Salesforce as their CRM platform. However, achieving and sustaining high levels of engagement requires more than just implementing the technology – it demands a well-architected approach tailored to the unique needs of your organization.

This session aims to guide participants through the intricacies of Salesforce Well-Architected design principles with a specific focus on maximizing user engagement. Whether you’re a seasoned Salesforce administrator or just beginning your CRM journey, this session will provide actionable insights and best practices to accelerate adoption and drive meaningful interactions with your users.

Attendees will learn how to:
– Design intuitive user interfaces that streamline navigation and enhance usability.
– Leverage Salesforce features to personalize user experiences and drive efficiency.
– Integrate effective strategies to foster communication and teamwork within your organization.
– Navigate common challenges and pitfalls in Salesforce adoption and develop mitigation strategies for success.

Let by a Salesforce Architect who has achieved the “Salesforce User Experience Designer” and “Salesforce Strategy Designer” certifications, this session will combine real-world examples, practical tips, and interactive scenarios to empower participants with the knowledge and tools needed for optimal user engagement. Attendees will leave with action items they can put into their org’s usability and unleash the power of Salesforce to drive impactful user engagement like never before.

Location: Boundary Waters D Date: July 18, 2024 Time: 10:00 am - 10:45 am Stuart Edeal Stuart Edeal