Gold Sponsor: Platform Technologies

Platform Technologies (TM) provides an AppExchange managed package (“Blackbelt Toolkit”) that makes it very easy to implement Best Practices for Salesforce. We are the first and only package in the Salesforce ecosystem to provide these comprehensive best-practice tools in a single (and supported) managed package.

We believe we provide a huge benefit to both Salesforce customers and consultants — making their teams and their Salesforce implementations much more effective and efficient and agile. We enable CRM teams to do more/better/faster and minimize errors while maximizing performance and quality.

Our Blackbelt Toolkit product currently provides 5 tools:

  1. Trigger Framework (fast and feature-rich): control Apex code, recursion, disablement, order of execution, diagnostics
  2. Comprehensive Error Management: aggregate, react, and report on most any error in your SFDC org (Apex code, flows, lightning components, system events/alerts)
  3. Rules Engine: declaratively externalize business logic that can change frequently
  4. Test Class Manager: auto-detect failing test classes in Prod or Sandboxes
  5. Management Hierarchy tool: used typically to greatly simplify Approval Processes requiring multiple managers