Demystifying Apex Errors: A Guide for Admins (No Development Experience Needed!)

Are you an admin who views Apex errors as a foreign language, wishing you had a better understanding of why such errors occur and how they can be resolved? If so, then this session is just for you! In this session we will train admins on how to troubleshoot errors and find root causes to support their developers. While this session will not teach you how to write code, you’ll be much more equipped with the skills needed to look at a block of code, understand what it’s attempting to do at a functional level, and help translate that into business language anyone on your team can understand. For those admins who are well-versed in flow, we will take features in Apex and explain them in terms of their flow counterparts to help better understand complex topics. At the end of this session, you’ll come away with much more confidence and be ready to tackle any pesky Apex errors down the road.

Admin/Declarative Developer
Location: Lake Bemidji Date: July 18, 2024 Time: 10:00 am - 10:45 am Mike Brown Mike Brown