Beyond “No Pink In Loops!”

Are you ready to take your Flows to the next level? Do you want to make them more efficient and maintainable? Salesforce has made creating Flows fun and easy. But, as our automations become more complex, how do we know if we’re taking the right design approach?

We’ll explore some core design considerations for building well-architected Flows.
• Examine how Flows are processed.
• Learn when a process is too complex for Flow.
• When to use Sub-Flows.
• Is this thing bulkified?
• And more…

Terry has been teaching Flow for years. His creative presentation style will turn this technical topic into a fun, insightful, and practical guide to follow. By the end of the session, you’ll be armed with the knowledge necessary to flow in the right direction.

Admin/Declarative Developer
Location: Lake Bemidji Date: July 19, 2024 Time: 10:00 am - 10:45 am Terry Miller Terry Miller