Admin Toolkit: Ultimate Guide to Code-Free Flow & Validation Rule Bypass Mastery

This session dives deep into the hidden gems of the Salesforce admin toolbox – Custom Metadata, Custom Settings, and Custom Permissions – to unlock the power of code-free flow and validation rule bypasses.

We’ll guide you through real-world scenarios where these customizations shine, like:
– Effortlessly toggling record-triggered flows on or off globally, by object, by user, or even one at a time.
– Bypassing validation rules for bulk operations or data cleanup so designated users or triggered flows do not get blocked by rules meant for UX record updates
– Switching off screen flows to temporarily disable them due to errors or before deploying an upgraded version

Walk away with a treasure trove of practical knowledge, including:
– How to choose the perfect tool for your bypass needs – Custom Metadata, Custom Settings, or Custom Permissions.
– In-depth understanding of Custom Metadata, Custom Settings, and Custom Permissions.
– Real-world examples and best practices to elevate your flow management expertise.

Join us to unlock the full potential of your Salesforce flows and empower your admin toolkit with the magic of code-free bypasses!

Admin/Declarative Developer
Location: Lake Bemidji Date: July 18, 2024 Time: 9:00 am - 9:45 am Monica Sandberg Monica Sandberg